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The Foundation of Success

The Foundation of Success

Publicado el 28, sept., 2024 Actualizado 28, sept., 2024 Personal Development
time 2 min
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The Foundation of Success

Building a Path to Achievement

Plotting your dream path is a lot like planning a road trip. You need to know where you’re going, how you’ll get there, and what to expect along the way. Too many people try to skip straight to the destination without laying the proper groundwork. Sure, you might get lucky and stumble upon success by chance, but more often than not, you’ll end up lost or going in circles.

The first thing you need is to envision where you want your journey to end. 

What’s motivating you to get out of bed each day and keep pushing forward? You have to be crystal clear on the “why” behind your goals so you stay inspired when the going gets tough. I always remind myself of my “why” by writing it down and leaving a note where I’ll see it daily, like by my coffee maker or bathroom mirror.

Next, map out some checkpoints to gauge your progress. 

I call them “SMART” goals — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time

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