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That's my Dream

That's my Dream

Publicado el 18, ago, 2023 Actualizado 18, ago, 2023 Cultura
time 1 min
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That's my Dream

When I remember the books I loved many years ago, I never think about their ideology. I remember them the way I want to: fine reads. When I started weaving stories, I decided to create an attitude that excludes any political thought. Because I don’t believe politics has a place in fantasy. Basic human values like courage, sacrifice, friendship and caring about others can’t be privatized by an ideology. I’m someone who you can call an “Anti-Ideology” person, for I hate, Both right and left-wing politics. And so this is the reason why my stories are all about art. The way I tell my stories is a little bit different from what you can find in other authors’ works. My focus is on the setting and the plot. The many worlds, characters and plots which I can create. Crafting tales with universal messages without political input. That’s my goal as a storyteller. Telling you enchanted tales that can provoke feelings from you and even if they don’t make you think, at least they can make you feel. And I will try to weave short fiction for you as long as I can because that’s my dream.

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