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Breaking Free from the Ego

Breaking Free from the Ego

Publicado el 19, jun, 2022 Actualizado 19, jun, 2022 Educación
time 2 min
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Breaking Free from the Ego

A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Trina Carroll-Houk (USA) Trina Caroll-Houk

About the author:  Trina Carroll-Houk is a spiritual teacher, counselor, and founder of Breaking Free Boundaries, LLC who specializes in self-awareness, mindfulness, and the spiritual dimension of being. Her goal is to help people improve their quality of life so they can experience inner peace, meaningful purpose, and fulfillment. Trina represents a movement focused on helping people release what limits them from transforming into awakened beings with a higher sense of spiritual consciousness.

Trina's professional experience primarily comes from serving as an instructor at leading universities, a spiritual teacher and counselor in her practice, as well as a teacher in the public schools. Because of her own personal experience of great loss, growth, and recovery, she shares the process she went through in a course she developed and published in "Breaking Free from the Ego: A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself."

In her work, she teaches people how to gain authority over their lives by recognizing, neutralizing, and moving beyond the conditioned, unconsciousness experienced through the ego's voice of fear and doubt. Trina's goal is to help others learn how to overcome negative thoughts, challenging emotions, and reactive behavior that holds them back. Mastering the ego mind gives us the quality of life we desire most.

Trina says, "When we learn how to quiet our mind by getting to know exactly who we are, we can connect to the consciousness of our true inner self that transcends the spiritually unconscious, split mind of the false ego self. This is where we break free to live in a state of inner peace all the time."

About the book:  A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself" reveals the secret to happiness and fulfillment which can only be learned through personal experience. Fortunately, Trina Carroll-Houk has had that experience. She can teach you how to break free from what's holding you back from living a life of inner peace. To live a rewarding life, we need to break free from our ego, and that doesn't happen by accident. It happens with intention.

Learn how to discover your true identity and embrace your inner spirituality. All of life's problems are created in the mind―yet the solutions are found beyond the mind! This book will teach you the evolutionary process of living in a higher dimension of consciousness.



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