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Does the Weather affect our Life Experiences?

Does the Weather affect our Life Experiences?

Publicado el 30, sept, 2024 Actualizado 23, oct, 2024 Curiosidades
time 5 min
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Does the Weather affect our Life Experiences?

The intriguing connection between climate and human emotions


Effect of weather on bodily health

In general, health conditions are related to weather extremes: Heat, floods, and storms – This always has physical-health consequences. All these events may result to sickness and even death in bad situation, particularly to the immunocompromised persons. For example, a rise in temperature results in heat rash and heat exhaustion while low temperatures or floods lead to waterborne diseases and physical body damage respectively. They also impair crops’ growth hence foods’ scarcity, malnutrition inclusive. Extreme weather has also been observed to increase incidences of weather related violence and possibly overall health might be affected physically.

Affective disorder specifically relates to the kind of disorder that is related to seasons, and the symptoms are severally realized in winter. SAD can also happen in spring or summer, but t

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