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Book of Proverbs

Book of Proverbs

Publicado el 19, jun, 2022 Actualizado 19, jun, 2022 Cultura
time 1 min
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Book of Proverbs

Wisdom vs Wilderness

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Donna Louis (USA)

About the author: Raised in New York Donna has always had a penchant for writing. Always surrounded by pen and paper Donna studied writing courses at Queensboro Community College in New York. She attended The Institute of Children’s Writers and Long Ridge Writers Group located in Connecticut. She moved to Florida and because of her relationship with The Holy Spirit she decided to write a book on miracles. She was chosen as a winner in 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading in 2015, 2016, and 2017. She was also chosen as a nominee for Top Female Authors Awards in 2017 and was chosen as The Top Female Author in 2018 awards for Spiritual, Philosophy, Religion. In addition to writing books she engages with readers through the numerous blogs that she writes. Her book has been called “spell binding, amazing, uplifting, and inspirational.”  Donna Louis is happily married to her husband of 34 years Patrick Louis.

About the book: "Book of Proverbs – Wisdom vs. Wilderness" delves into the necessity of obtaining wisdom. The primary purpose of the book is to teach wisdom to everyone. It provides intellectual depth and insights and exceptional wisdom on how to live a fortunate and tranquil life, by honoring and respecting God as omnipotent. God wants us to live a life like Christ and to do that we need to aspire to have wisdom. King Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. God gifted him with unsurpassed wisdom. King Solomon is credited with writing chapters 1-29 in The Book of Proverbs. Book of Proverbs – Wisdom vs. Wilderness discusses all chapters in Proverbs 1-31 and brings insight, clarity, and basic meaning to several verses in each chapter to solidify why wisdom is essential and mandatory in life, so you can have a blessed life versus living destitute, empty, and obsolete.

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