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Presidential Spirit 

Presidential Spirit 

Publicado el 12, jun, 2022 Actualizado 12, jun, 2022 Bienestar
time 1 min
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Presidential Spirit 

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Gina S. Scheff (USA)

Gina has no intention of marrying again following a disastrous divorce. She wants to focus on raising her son and building a career, not falling in love. But then she meets a spirited airman named David Scheff and everything changes. It doesn’t take long for him to convince her that marrying her soul mate might be a good idea after all. A member of the Air Force, David eventually becomes the flight chief for Air Force One, giving Gina the opportunity to shake hands with presidents William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush. It’s a great adventure! Still, once David retires from the military, they’re ready to enjoy a quieter life on a small farm in Ohio. Life has a way of throwing you off-course, though, and when David is diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, Gina learns the true meaning of standing by her husband not only in health but in sickness too. As Gina struggles to not fall apart as they face one devastating letdown after another, David shows her how to have grace under pressure and that you don’t need actual wings or even a plane to fly above your circumstances. David always knew he had the spirit of an eagle. This story tells how Gina discovered just how right he was.

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