Cultivating Compassion for Customers in Uncertain Times
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Cultivating Compassion for Customers in Uncertain Times
A guide to providing empathy.
Exploring the unknown is always a concern to anyone who is out of his own comfort zone. For it to the business people who find themselves serving customer in some of the biggest changes or decisions in their lives not to dismiss these concerns but to engage and meet the customers with compassion and concern.
Much more time and effort is being channeled towards sowing seeds of doubt, than actually from the events not yet witnessed or the non-events that may never come to pass.
Still, in a way, the help within fear is a very good thing because most people do not ever feel anyone else has gone through it. It was important that I didn’t give them advice or offer suggestions: that only left the worries to travel from the darkness to the light of embracing acknowledgment.
It is here that understanding customers’ deepest concerns elicits where a preventive, focused message and ample evidence can help in maint
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