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The start of a new journey

The start of a new journey

Veröffentlicht am 16, Apr., 2024 Aktualisiert am 16, Apr., 2024 Umwelt
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The start of a new journey

Like the odyssey of Odysseus, the odyssey of panodyssey has been a beautiful and instructive journey.

For me, the introduction to panodyssey was also the beginning of a new journey. It was a promise for the future, a door to a new start. When I arrived in Brussels yesterday for the partner meeting of the Green Tales project, I felt the presence of all this green land very deeply. 

Green Tales illuminera les regards et les rêves de nos enfants. Les enfants illumineront ceux des grands en partageant leur vision du monde. 

Alexandre Leforestier - Captain of Panodyssey 

Ouverture du très créatif Creativity World Forum 2024 - Bilbao. Photographie prise par Alexandre Leforestier le 15 avil 2024 : 

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