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Stakeholders outside the organization need to be persuaded about sustainability integration benefits

Stakeholders outside the organization need to be persuaded about sustainability integration benefits

Veröffentlicht am 18, Feb., 2025 Aktualisiert am 18, Feb., 2025 Umwelt
time 6 min
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Stakeholders outside the organization need to be persuaded about sustainability integration benefits

Strategies for Success

Business operations today must center around sustainability because this concept has shifted away from secondary status to become the core element of strategic management practices. Organizations trying to implement sustainable practices face difficulties when motivating external partners (suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders) to recognize sustainability value. Success and positive environmental impact require partners to join sustainability efforts. The author explores proven techniques that help businesses persuade outside partners to adopt sustainability by showing them financial possibilities alongside rising market expectations and showcasing previous successes.

Categorizing the Resistance Patterns Toward Sustainability Integration

The Nature of Hesitance

Several factors prevent external partners from adopting sustainability measures, such as a reluctance to believe in the necessity of change.


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