Why customers do take ample time to affirm the security of technology products?
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Why customers do take ample time to affirm the security of technology products?
Due to the advanced development of technology, the security of organizations and corporations’ systems, goods, and information becomes the key priority.
Given the new and continuously emerging threats, there is always a need to ascertain that the particular technology being deployed is safe and capable of addressing any risks that might be present. But, technology verification may take significant time, and it’s not only due to the complexity of the technology in question. Business customers may take a longer time to affirm a given technology security due to many factors such as; limited technical know-how, funding constraints, regulatory mandates, and cautious evaluation of risks.
There is a lack of expertise among customers and that can take a lot of time to ensure that technology product security is vindicated.
As the uptake of technology continues to grow at a dizzying pace, many companies find it hard to remain relevant as far
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