Think Like a Coder in the Face of Challenges
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Think Like a Coder in the Face of Challenges
The Resistance
We are living in an age where advanced technology is evolving at an alarming rate and where continuous change is the norm, hence, being a think like a coder has become a must-have skill set. These days, the term Resistance is typically defined as the internal and external obstacles that someone has to overcome when trying to move and evolve in their professional and personal paths. In this article, the author examines how acquiring a coder’s mindset can help one to become more resilient, more creative, and more innovative when faced with hardships.
Understanding The Resistance
The Nature of Resistance
For one, 'The Resistance' is much like a concept so meta it does not have a source; the term dates back to Steven Pressfield’s book 'The War of Art' where it refers to the self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent creative types from fulfilling their potential; however, the concept applies to any endeavor, it can clash with any
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