SASE – Protect Yourself!
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SASE – Protect Yourself!
Continuously Developing SASE, Zero Trust Integrations Importance
The SASE framework has been gradually gaining importance over the last five years as a critical solution for organizations eager to secure their networks and protect precious information within a constantly emerging threat environment. Emerging from the acronym SASE in 2017, it has become a new architecture that brings value-added change for any organization wanting to transform their business and improve their cybersecurity. Its core value can be summarized in the unification of networking and security as service facets that are delivered as cloud services at the network periphery. First, this model is a radical divergence against the already known and time-consuming frameworks that can become an obstacle for the business to endeavor a flexible process of digital evolution.
The evolution of SASE began in the year 2017 wh
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