Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part I)
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Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part I)
Would our PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons) be identified by foreign powers due to a procedure of data retrieval untrustworthy and lacking in respect for the French law?
Will the UBS file become a case study for economic war schools?
Stéphanie Gibaud: « As a matter of fact, my case is unusual: As an executive in charge of Public Relations at UBS in France, I refused to obey to my manager’s oral instructions to delete my data and archives relating to the names of clients of the banks. This happened after a search had taken place in the office of the General Manager in June 2008.
After alerting several top managers of the bank, I then alerted the Labour Inspection. After an important number of meetings with the Labour Inspector, and on her recommendations, I filled in a complaint against UBS for illegal banking solicitation on the French territory, tax fraud, money laundering by an organized gang, destruction or spol
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