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A Rodeo Life For Me

A Rodeo Life For Me

Veröffentlicht am 29, Dez., 2024 Aktualisiert am 29, Dez., 2024 Poetry and Songs
time 1 min
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A Rodeo Life For Me

The mustang ain't too happy to see me, I can’t disagree,

He’d be better off running the grassland than in this ring with me.

I understand buddy, I’d rather roam free as well,

But for you and me now, all that counts is the bell.

I adjust my gloves and squeeze the rope harder,

Ride on my friend, prove them we are better.

They can laugh, they can scream like a child,

But you and I, in our hearts, are both still wild.


Life is like a rodeo sometimes; it tries to get you down,

All you can do is stand back up to prove it you’re no clown.

Sulking, moping, pouting, grumping, I just disagree,

My choice is made; it’s a rodeo life for me… YEEAH!!

You can buck and you can kick as hard as you see fit,

But you should know by now, I won’t accept defeat.

If you think I’m afraid of a few broken bones,

Ain’t nothing compared to my heart ache groans.

See, you’re sad and angry cause you lost your prairie,

At least it ain’t your fault, me, I let go of my Suzie.

We have that too in common, twirling in that ring,

Thoughts of what could have been, we both lost something.


Life is like a rodeo sometimes; it tries to get you down,

All you can do is stand back up to prove it you’re no clown.

Sulking, moping, pouting, grumping, I just disagree,

My choice is made; it’s a rodeo life for me… YEEAH!!

I feel you under me giving it all you got,

I’m with you on this; give up? Let’s not.

And when you finally stop or I fell from fatigue,

Let’s rest up for the night, cause tomorrow’s a new gig.


Life is like a rodeo sometimes; it tries to get you down,

All you can do is stand back up to prove it you’re no clown.

Sulking, moping, pouting, grumping, I just disagree,

My choice is made; it’s a rodeo life for me… YEEAH!!

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