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Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Veröffentlicht am 25, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 23, Okt., 2024 Kurioses
time 3 min
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Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Turn daydreams into creative discoveries

I, as a person who has been quite a dreamer throughout my existence and often losing myself in fictional stories. While some may think this unhealthy, I have found that imaginary adventures are one of the most productive and loving strategies I can practice as a writer and painter.

As a child, I used to play by imagining that other children during the break were characters within my invented play scenarios. Rather, they transformed into knights and wizards on a mission in my mind. That is how, same as any other only child, I had to develop my individualism and creativity.

Now, in my capacity as a writer, I draw on this childhood resource when I can no longer spot any ideas.

It is always effortless to become entrapped in plotting or even overanalyzing my texts; or get absolutely stuck by my editing obsessiveness. That’s when I start imagining I am somewhere else, going on an imaginary t

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