Feeling Less Than Productive?
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Feeling Less Than Productive?
Try These Tips!
When the day slips away or when you look at the list of activities planned for a day and scratch your head wondering how to accomplish them, don’t worry, you are not the only one. It is a common issue that each individual encounters during their working experiences – procrastination. However, with some specific changes in strategy in handling the tasks, it is possible to reign in those tasks and make the most of each day. Today, I thought I would share with you some strategies that I’ve found useful when trying to overcome the slump and increase productivity.
The first area the leaders can focus is on goal setting.
In trying to remember what it was you said you wanted to do to yourself, goals such as “I want to be more organized” will never get you moving – but writing down a clear formulated goal will. For me, this meant actually writing down such things as ‘complete reports by Friday,’ or ‘get down to 130 po
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