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Don’t Let Life’s Busyness Bury Your Brilliance

Don’t Let Life’s Busyness Bury Your Brilliance

Veröffentlicht am 28, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 28, Sept., 2024 Kurioses
time 2 min
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Don’t Let Life’s Busyness Bury Your Brilliance

Why It’s Essential to Make Time for Passion and Creativity

It’s easy to lose sight of our dreams when life gets busy. As mortgages, kids, and responsibilities pile up, it can feel impossible to make time for the things that inspire us. But neglecting our creative passions takes a toll — on our mental health, job satisfaction, and sense of purpose.

I’ve been guilty of letting life get in the way of my goals on more than one occasion. 

A few years back, overwhelmed with work stresses, I put my dream of writing a novel on the back burner. “Someday” became a distant mirage as one deadline after another filled my calendar. The spark of curiosity and wonder that fuels my creativity slowly dimmed without an outlet. I felt drained and unfulfilled.

It took hitting a low point, with nagging self-doubt and unhappiness, to realize I needed to make time for the dreams that sustain me. 

So I carved out an hour each weekend morning, no excuses, to work on my book. The process was slow at first as I got back into a creative mindset. But just putting pen to paper reignited my passion. Bit by bit, an unfinished idea took shape, bringing me joy even when real life got messy.

Gradually, that guarded hour expanded into a habit of writing every day, even if for a short burst. 

Finishing the first draft, while far from perfect, was enormously satisfying. I rediscovered the sense of purpose that creativity brings, even on difficult days. Though “someday” arrived much later than planned, I’m glad I didn’t abandon hope and let outside forces define my goals.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash 

It’s all too easy to assume hope and possibility only exist for other people — those with more free time or fewer responsibilities than us. 

But every life, no matter how busy it may seem from the outside, has room for dreams. The trick is recognizing what feeds our soul and prioritizing it, even if that means small steps.

An acquaintance of mine runs a thriving business while raising twin toddlers. 

Yet she somehow found the bandwidth to start painting again after years away from her artistic passions. Her Instagram feed is now filled with gorgeous landscapes and portraits, proof that creativity can fit into unlikely spaces. She carved out time simply by being organized and saying no to excess commitments whenever possible.

For others, reigniting a dormant dream may involve reevaluating habits and priorities to free up mental bandwidth. 

One friend who felt perpetually stressed took up gardening, and was surprised to rediscover a sense of calm she thought was impossible with her schedule. Her blossoming vegetable patch became more than a hobby; it cultivated inner peace that enhanced all areas of her life.

Whatever form it takes for each of us, making space for creativity and renewal is key to staying energized and engaged with life, even through difficulties. Our dreams uplift us in small yet profound ways, like tender shoots breaking through hard earth in spring. Rather than leaving passion and purpose by the wayside, I now strive to nurture those delicate but essential parts of myself, however I can, one day at a time. The blooms that grow make life’s struggles a little sweeter to bear.

Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels

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