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What I Know (So Far)

What I Know (So Far)

Veröffentlicht am 1, März, 2023 Aktualisiert am 1, März, 2023 Kultur
time 1 min
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What I Know (So Far)

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Anthony Rondeau (USA)

As a seasoned, but ever-hopeful pragmatist dad, I’m not terribly confident they paid attention the first (second or third) times I’ve said them.  Sometimes/Oftentimes, I feel like the proverbial fallen tree in the woods. Did my children understand what I said? Did they even listen? Did I at least make a loud, discordant thud?

Ultimately, I view this book as a testament and as a gift to my children. They should know three things:
1) Dad was here.
2) Lead a good and well-lived life.
3) Abundantly and ten-to-the-nth-power tenfold, I love them.

I offer this on behalf of our shared hugs and smiles, and on behalf of the tears I have shed for them and with them.

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