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Venetian Cluster protects the cultural heritage of Kiev

Venetian Cluster protects the cultural heritage of Kiev

Veröffentlicht am 20, Juli, 2022 Aktualisiert am 20, Juli, 2022 Kultur
time 1 min
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Venetian Cluster protects the cultural heritage of Kiev

Since 2015, Venetian Cluster has been protecting the cultural beauties of the Ukrainian capital, now sadly besieged. More recently, we signed an agreement to concretely help preserving some treasures of Kiev, such as Pečerska Lavra and Santa Sophia, but let us retrace the most important milestones of this important cooperation...

After an exploratory mission and a trade study in November 2015,  an Operational Cooperation Agreement was signed with the Lavra - Unesco heritage site of the city of Kiev. The Agreement was aimed at the initiation of joint design activities and the request for quotations for the
supply of Italian technologies, products and expertise by Ukrainian interlocutors. The project foresaw also the exchange of technicians and knowledge through the Erasmus PLUS programme which involved Lithuanian and Polish partners too. In particular, the exchange of standards and executive techniques between Italian and Ukrainian experts was aimed at the restoration of the Church of San Salvatore in Lavra. 

The Mission for training and regulatory exchange continued in 2016 with visit in Kiev and incoming of technicians to Venice, and also after the end of fundings. Venetian Cluster has maintained relations with all the public and private Ukrainian and Italian stakeholders involved in the previous project and has continued planning activities on European programmes that would allow collaboration between the two states.

We are now pleased to announce that the five generators that were collected thanks to the mobilisation of Venetian Cluster and the HOPE Ukraine project have finally arrived at the UNESCO Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra site. The generators will be used to continue the site's cultural heritage conservation activities even in the event of a power failure. 

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