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Two Roads 

Two Roads 

Veröffentlicht am 19, Juli, 2022 Aktualisiert am 19, Juli, 2022 Kultur
time 1 min
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Two Roads 

 The Unraveling of Dark Family Secrets

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Randy Wojnarowicz (USA)    Randy Wojnarowicz

About the book:  Sometimes the life we lead is the culmination of a million small moments that we let slip by, pretending they don’t mean anything, until one day they mean everything. The meaning we give those moments will forever determine our fate.
Ray Shipman faces losing not only himself but everyone he ever loved. Ever the optimist, however, Ray is determined to live out whatever time he has left- on his own terms- with the love of his life, Allison, and his children Dorothy and Jackie.
As Ray slips deeper into the grips Alzheimer’s, he reveals a dark family secret that threatens to destroy the people he spent a lifetime protecting. Ray and Allison now face a reality they avoided since the first year of their marriage and it forces them to question if their 50 year love story was real.
Ray’s beloved daughter, Dorothy, struggles to find the truth of who she really is and if Ray is the loving father she adores- or a fraud.
With incredible storytelling, new author, Randy Wojnarowicz takes readers on an emotional ride seen through the eyes of three generations of the Shipman family as they grapple with their past, losing Ray and an unimaginable tragedy that no one sees coming.
In the end, will love triumph over all or will Ray have destroyed the one thing he cares about most in this world- his family


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