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The Green Cathedral

The Green Cathedral

Veröffentlicht am 21, Juli, 2022 Aktualisiert am 21, Juli, 2022 Kultur
time 1 min
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The Green Cathedral

Listen to the interview with the author here

Authors: Kerry McDonald and Lee Tidball (USA)

About the book:  Deep in the jungle lies the deadliest kind of beauty...

As a DEA agent caught in an unwinnable drug war, Abel has spent his life with the ugliest side of humanity. It’s no wonder he’s given in to corruption, bribery, and an illegal side hustle that has him on the run from some of the most dangerous men in South America. 

Then, he stumbles upon an alluring creature—a stranded alien who has made her home under the green canopy of the deepest part of the jungle. Her spacecraft crash-landed a decade ago; his life crashed and burned well before that.

But as this unlikely pair grow closer, Abel will realize that his dark past has tracked him down and threatens to destroy the very beauty he has fallen in love with.

The Green Cathedral is a fast-paced thrill-ride that examines the nature of beauty and the power it has to heal our damaged souls.

"Non-stop action...a real flight and fight to the finish. Absolutely worth a read." - Screencraft

Fans of Monster and The Shape of Water will love this "high-energy, swashbuckling" book. (Screencraft)

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