The Duel of the Ages
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The Duel of the Ages
Once upon a Time, there were two samurai. The two young warriors-in-training decided to duel each other to the death.
Their reasons were cloudy as the sky. Only they knew what they’re want to die for. What was sure is the tension. They stood face to face, looking menacingly at each other. Two swords in their sash, one long and one short. Both men dressed in a fine kimono, with long skirt-like trousers, wearing white socks and a pair of wooden, two-toed slippers.
No one dared to draw first.
Unsheathing their curved swords would lead to an unchangeable fate. Big decisions for big men to make. Men with no fear in their souls, just courage in their hearts. Or it was the opposite? Whatever…
Both samurai took a firm grip on the silk hilt of their long sword. They were ready. Yeah, that’s right. No turning back. No chickening out.
They stood still like strawmen in the silent wind.
And sweating like whores in front of a shrine.
Their hand started to shake.
Come on, thought the first samurai in the blue kimono.
You were trained for this, thought the second, in the grey kimono.
The truth is cringy, of course. None of them trained with live blades before. Cutting mats and cutting down an opponent were not the same. Doesn’t matter what they were taught. With test cutting, your sword will get dirty with vegetal dirt. Or bent, if you’re unlucky. But with a real adversary… there was blood, meat, bone, and other disgusting things that can lead to very quick rust. How can a noble samurai make his sword dirty with such sickening materials?
Their swords were so beautiful, so unique. What men could be able to kill with them?
They both knew the answer: REAL MEN.
Men from the legends which they grew up with. Men they wanted to be like one day.
So quit playing around and draw those swords already!
And so they did.
Both of them were equally fast and took their basic stances at the same speed. Their shiny swords were in front of them, and the tip of their blades pointed toward each other’s necks. It was the ancient stance: seigan no kamae.
The samurai in blue felt: something is wrong.
I’ve been trained with wooden swords, and only duelled with bamboo swords. While wearing fencing gear. Now, neither of us has any protection. And real swords are heavier than training weapons. How should I use all those techniques quickly?
His opponent had doubts too.
This is no kata. My enemy won’t do everything as a training partner. Also, it’s not training. There are no rules. It’s life or death. Kill or be killed.
They stood still as a statue of Buddha. For minutes. The only noise was the chirping of the birds and the cicadas.
The samurai in grey decided to break the silence.
”Alright, be ready! I’m coming!”
”I’m ready to protect myself!”
This was foolish and both of them knew.
One alerted the enemy and told him what he will do. The other did the same.
They felt pathetic.
They agreed in silence, that this whole duel thing felt stupid. It felt nothing like in the tales. And they didn’t even start.
Does the goal justify death?
They thought so.
The samurai in blue made some steps back from the samurai in grey, and in response, the samurai in grey made some steps back from the samurai in blue.
Oh, wait, thought the grey. And switched to a different stance. He pointed down to the ground with his sword. It was gedan no kamae.
By the way, since the name of our heroes lost in the fog of history, I will name them Haairomaru (ashen grey) and Aoinosuke (blue), because it’s tiring to write down samurai in grey and samurai in blue all the freaking time.
So let’s continue!
Aoinosuke stood still. He recognized the stance and decided to do the same thing.
But with a different posture.
Instead of down, he lifted his sword, but not above his head. He stopped above his right shoulder and held it with a relaxing grip. It was hasso no kamae.
They decided to get a little closer, but none made the first attack. They were so close that if they decided to change back to seigan no kamae, their swords would have touched.
Yet none of them dared to cut.
At this time, they’re soaked by their sweat. They wanted to go home and take a bath. Oh, how relaxing that can be! Not to mention their growing hunger and the noises that their belly made.
Then, Aoinosuke suddenly made a vertical cut, with a loud shout.
Haairomaru shouted too.
And deflected the cut with a simple swing.
Or, it should have been a simple swing. Instead, it looked as if he used a club. Not precise but filled with wild power, sourced by his fear and anxiety. Aoinosuke had to strengthen his grip because Haairomaru’s strong hit almost send his sword flying from his hand.
Both warriors decided to run back a few steps from each other, with corpse-pale faces.
After they cathed their breath, they started to curse themselves for their sudden fear.
Haairomaru: Damn it! I should’ve done a thrusting to his neck! He was defenceless!
Aoinosuke: I should’ve stepped outside his centre, and cut his wrists with a strike! He was defenceless!
Our warriors decided to try again.
Haairomaru lifted the sword above his head, with the hilt close to his forehead. It was the jodan no kamae. Aoinosuke’s blade pointed to the ground behind his back, while his left foot was in front of him. It was the waki no kamae. This time, Haairomaru started. He cut in front of him, aiming for Aoinosuke’s head. Aoinosuke stepped out of his centre and made a cutting move toward his enemy’s wrists. Haairomaru quickly stepped back, so the end of the blade didn’t reach him. He stood in hasso no kamae, then quickly knocked aside Aoinosuke’s sword with a diagonal cut, and made a move.
Or, should’ve made a move, but both of them stepped back again.
They needed to rethink their strategy. They’re more self-confident. Their training and duelling experience started to show its effects. Both men successfully applied their techniques in a real situation with real swords. Haairomaru and Aoinosuke felt the sudden excitement. The growing adrenaline. It was intoxicating.
And so, they clashed again.
And the fight ended with a cracking noise.
While they were aware of the weight and the sharpness of their swords, they forgot the most important rule of fighting.
You always deflect with the side of your blade, not with the edge.
Suddenly, they stood in front of each other, looking at their broken swords.
The two blades split at the same point.
'My father will kill me for this. And yours?' asked Aoinosuke.
'Mine too. I think it’s better to start to write a Death Poem.' replied Haairomaru.
'Don’t be so dramatic. None of us died, and no one knew about our duel.' pointed out Aoimaru.
'Point taken.' smiled Haairomaru. 'So, what are we gonna lie about the swords?'
'We will find it out on our way home. But first, let’s eat and drink! You are my guest.'
'I feel I have no choice. I have to accept your invitation, my friend.'
And this is how our tale ends.
But what was the reason for this duel?
Well, it was for a young lady of course! No other thing can turn two young strangers against each other. However, they found out a few days later that this fine lady was already engaged with the son of a lord from a faraway province.
But don’t worry, because our heroes found true love and happiness in their long life. Both of them told this story to their children and grandchildren as The Duel of the Ages.
With some artistic freedom, of course…