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Veröffentlicht am 23, Nov., 2023 Aktualisiert am 23, Nov., 2023 Kultur
time 1 min
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I am thankful for my body


I am thankful for my skin that shines a beautiful person

I am thankful for my eyes that see the world

I am thankful for my nose that smells roses and dirt

I am thankful for my mouth that eats everyday

I am thankful for my feet that keep me on the ground

I am thankful for my legs and core that support my body

I am thankful for my arms and hands that carry what I need

I am thankful for my fingers that write powerful words

I am thankful for my heart that beats magically.


I am thankful for my head


I am thankful for my brain that I nourish with healthy food

I am thankful for my thoughts that focus on the positive

I am thankful for my senses that drive me in the right direction

I am thankful for my intellectual side that keeps me on learning

I am thankful for my spirituality that leads me to be Me


I am thankful for all the wonderful people I can attract into my life because I take care of myself first


I am capable of giving love to all my cherished living beings


For all these reasons, I am so thankful to be alive. 


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