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" My Pandemic Story " : The first writing contest at the initiative of the online media Worldcrunch, Panodyssey and the European consortium CREA

" My Pandemic Story " : The first writing contest at the initiative of the online media Worldcrunch, Panodyssey and the European consortium CREA

Veröffentlicht am 12, Juli, 2022 Aktualisiert am 12, Juli, 2022 Kultur
time 5 min
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" My Pandemic Story " : The first writing contest at the initiative of the online media Worldcrunch, Panodyssey and the European consortium CREA

It's been three years since the Coronavirus pandemic and its professional, social and sanitary disturbances that we now know well came into our lives


These transformations have had many consequences, sometimes positive, and sometimes painful; sometimes visible and sometimes not. Right now, we can take a step back and tell them.  

The generalist English-speaking online media Worldcrunch is launching its first online writing contest around the pandemic theme. The idea of this writing contest is to write about your stories and sometimes painful life experiences in order to share and probably contribute to helping others. This writing contest is open to all audiences. The authors can participate by publishing one or multiple texts in French or English.


1. What are the prizes and the themes for this writing contest?

Worldcrunch is inviting you to write an original and personal text about your life experience during the 2020 pandemic. Your story facing the pandemic. 

Your intimate and personal testimony about this particular period. The proposed content should be original (in the form of a text, image, audio if technically possible), written using the first person and not exceeding 600 words. 

 Prize of the readers

The readers decide! The most read text, the most liked text, the most collaborative, commented and shared on social media wil get the ultimate reward. 

All audiences

 Prize of the English-speaking awarded authors. 

The most read, collaborative liked and commented English text will be rewarded. 

All audiences

 Prize of the French-speaking awarded authors. 

The most read, collaborative liked and commented French text will be rewarded. 

All audiences


2. How to participate in this contest 

There's nothing more simple!

👉 Once your Panodyssey account created and certified for the new comers, you will be able to write and publish your story in your Creative Room

👉 To participate, you just have to publish your texts in one of your Creative Rooms, wether existing or a new one. 

A Creative Room is a publishing space belonging to an author. It's recommended to take care of its presentation, with a nice image and a clear description.  

👉 After the publishing of the text on Panodyssey, invite your community to come read, comment and share your text to amplify its impact and your chances to win.  

On Panodyssey, you can collect donations, so don't forget to open your Panodyssey wallet to receive donations. 👛  

If you're under 15 and wish to participate 

People under 15 can publish writings on Panodyssey if they have a parental authorisation carefully transmitted to our team by sending it to:

For more details, please click here

If you're a teacher and wish to make your students participate 

You can publish the texts of your student by creating a profile under your name and publish these texts your students' texts in your Panodyssey Creative Room. Otherwise, you can ask your students and their parents to do it in their names with a parental authorization as explained above. 

You can participate in this contest alone or as a team, Panodyssey encourages collaboration! 

If you choose to be in a collaborative project - and we encourage this kind of experience - it's essential to carefully precise the role of each contributor in your project after inviting the different contributors to become Panodyssey editors in this text. For example, you can indicate the roles at the top of your post, in the format shown below:

My text is the result of a collaboration 

Paule Veber - Main author - wrote a story called Abundance. Published here. 

Maurice Veber, grandfather of Paule and accomplished artist, illustrated the story of his grand-daughter with an original illustration that you can admire under the story. 

Jean-Bernard Ravel, Paule's friend and passionate by music, recorded the text with his voice to make an audio podcast, that you can listen to here. 

3. What are the rewards for the Laureates? 

There will be one or multiple laureates per prize for this contest. The winners will be nominated by the members of the jury as well as the readers' community thanks to their votes.  

The authors' prizes 

 A digital trophee and a special appreance in our partners' websites including an interview with our great American Journalist Danielle Hampson during an airing in The Authors' Show. 

 A donation of 1 000 euros from Panodyssey in the author's Panodyssey wallet for the author who cumulates more than 100 000 readings for the publishing of his text on Panodyssey in context of this contest: There is a readers' counter at the bottom of the post's page. 

The English stories will be published on Worldcrunch in October 2022. 

The authors' presentation and his story in the context of the end-of-year events organized by Panodyssey and its European partners thanks to the CREA European consortium backed by the European Commission: to know more, follow the CREA Creative Room, you will not be disappointed!  


4. The partners : 

 Worldcrunch, the online media

Panodyssey, the social media dedicated to creative writing, and Europe, thanks to the CREA. 

Agencia EFE, the Spanish press agency.  


Cap Digital , the European innovative and creative pole. 


The Authors Show, with Danielle Hampson.

Channel 4 — July 5, 2022 | The Authors Show


Claudia Moscovici, the American writer.


Panodyssey is an innovative French start-up that breaks socia the traditional social media rules thanks to its strong and ethical founding values, respecting authors and users.  

The European commissioner Mariya Gabriel supports the Europesn social media dedicated to writing, as shown in this message following her meeting with the president of Panodyssey. 

Long live culture, long live francophonie in Europe !




 5. What are the dates for this contest? 

Authors can participate to the context starting the date of publication of this article until the 30th of September 2022. It's the date of publication of your text written on Panodyssey that determines when your text was published.

6. How to get your post referenced well on Panodyssey?  

To participate in this contest, you imperatively add the tag corresponding to the theme you choose at the moment of publishing your text. 

When you add a tag in the Panodyssey editor (at the bottom), please respect the spelling of the tag: as bshown below and without writing the "#" at the beginning of the word. 



We're very happy to launch our first writing contest on Panodyssey in partnership with the media Worldcrunch and our European consortium, the CREA. 

All styles are welcome! 

We encourage the authors' creativity. Panodyssey is a space dedicated to creativity! Dare to work in groups, by associating, for example with illustrators, drawers and photographers in order to highlight your words. 

Imagine new experiences around audio and image to invite your public to discover your texts differently. Be free to innovate and invent. And above all things, have fun when participating to this writing contest. 

Panodyssey is your home, invite your friends and the big family of writing to meet with passion and authenticity.

Alexandre Leforestier, Panodyssey's president.

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