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My favorite Christmas moment

My favorite Christmas moment

Veröffentlicht am 18, Dez., 2022 Aktualisiert am 18, Dez., 2022 Kultur
time 1 min
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My favorite Christmas moment

  • Mistletoe hanging from the ceiling;
  • Excitement is what you call that feeling;
  • Radios playing the evergreen songs;
  • Racing with sleds is never too long;
  • Yearning to see what's under the tree;
  • Catching a look, gleaming with glee;
  • Home feels more cosy, welcoming, brightful;
  • Random kind acts make your day more delightful;
  • It is sensed in the air - Christmas is here;
  • Santa goes out to prepare the reindeers;
  • Trying the cookies while hot from the pan;
  • Making a list for the New Year's plan;
  • All of the people you love are with you;
  • Snow gives the landscape a magical hue.
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