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''Anything is possible''

''Anything is possible''

Veröffentlicht am 22, Jan., 2025 Aktualisiert am 22, Jan., 2025 Kultur
time 1 min
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''Anything is possible''

12 Angry Men

Director - Sydney Lumet

Released - 1957

The magnitude of the place screened in the first place in the film makes the audience curious about the place being portrayed. Yes, it is a place capable of turning the life up and down. Some are thrilled, some are excited about a new chapter, and some are suppressed. Yes, it is the court, which has the legal authority to decide the future of the people.

In 12 Angry Men, a jury, trying to find out who is guilty of murder. It creates the story, proceeds with the story, and finishes the story. How hard it is for an individual to be unbiased over something and it is nicely portrayed through the film. Memories of individuals go back and forth, revealing the truth behind the decisions and making the story more thought-provoking. Incidents that humans face and the situations people undergo cannot be justified with a general approach. Concluding remarks about human stories should be dragged out by analyzing case by case. Why? the man is a subjective matter. Simultaneously, the man is a social animal and he/she is inherently connected to society and can not be isolated. That makes the subjective matter more complex.

12 Angry Men does not only talk about a culprit. They voice how the underprivileged are not heard, or discriminated. Further, the jury highlights and questions the possibility of any action, or incidents, which loudly mark the innocence of an unheard at the end. Moreover, the film highlights that reasonable doubts are accepted, and justifications in favor of the stance are welcome when analyzing misunderstandings. Simultaneously, facts are encouraged but the knowledge of the twisting nature of facts is highly appreciated. This cinematic approach proves the power of words and favor, which can protect someone or kill someone. The impact is both overt and covert.

(Credits for the images/posters solely go to the creative minds behind)

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