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Hope Has A Cold Nose

Hope Has A Cold Nose

Veröffentlicht am 27, Juli, 2022 Aktualisiert am 27, Juli, 2022 Gesundheit
time 2 min
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Hope Has A Cold Nose

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Christine Hassing (USA)

About the author:  Christine Hassing is the author of her memoir To the Moon and Back to Me: What I Learned from Four Running Feet, and a compassionate mentor, teaching individuals to find a centeredness in life, in their leadership, and within themselves. It was while Christine was using her intuitive listening skills as a life story writer and earning her MA that her path intersected with a veteran and his service dog. In that way that no moment in life is coincidental, this encounter would guide Christine to write Hope Has a Cold Nose.

Christine is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being, animals as healers, and the integration of pain, trauma, sorrow, despair, and grief into living a "hope-full" life. Christine's capacity to listen and recount the words of storytellers create compelling testimonies to engage and endear support for veterans struggling to integrate back into civilian life and for anyone who is suffering from pain, trauma, sorrow, or despair. Her stories enlist the support of service dogs as an effective healing methodology for people journeying with PTSD and encourage listening, understanding, and compassion. Her other goal is to inspire hope. In addition to her legacy and healing life story writing, Christine is also a self-employed mentor of transformational leadership tools and techniques to organizations and individuals. Christine resides where her loudest neighbors are the bull frogs and blue herons, alongside her husband and their four-legged souls, each with a cold nose.

About the book:   "To have a service dog like Able should be the medication any soldier is prescribed who has gone out and had trauma of some kind." In Hope Has a Cold Nose, Christine Hassing relays true stories of military veterans and others who rose from the ashes of PTSD and MST with the help of their service dogs. Devoting every chapter to a different human-canine pair, Hassing shares the story of each person with PTSD and their service dog with pathos and creativity. These powerful stories, part testimonial, part author's interpretation using rhythm and rhyme, bring important insights about how service dogs help people with PTSD and MST in countless ways. From sensing a nightmare and waking a veteran before terror takes hold, to placing a comforting paw on someone's shoulder to ward off a panic attack, these dogs play a key role in helping those who've lived through trauma reintegrate into society. Lovingly written, Hope Has a Cold Nose is a unique and compelling collection of survivors' stories for dog lovers of all kinds, for those who've experienced PTSD and their loved ones, and for those interested in how service dogs can help people heal from the deepest emotional wounds.


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