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The Ups and Downs of Constant Blogging

The Ups and Downs of Constant Blogging

Veröffentlicht am 24, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 24, Sept., 2024 Unternehmertum
time 2 min
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The Ups and Downs of Constant Blogging

Maintaining creativity, engagement, and motivation over the long term.

When I first started my blog 5 years ago, I had no idea how much work was involved in keeping it going consistently. In the beginning, it was easy to churn out 2–3 posts a week. I was fueled by enthusiasm and had plenty of half-baked ideas to experiment with. However, sustaining that rate consistently in the long run? Now that’s been a true test of dedication.

Like any relationship, my blog and I have seen our ups and downs.

There were stretches where inspiration struck daily and writing flowed effortlessly. Other times, staring at a blank page made me want to pull my hair out in frustration. More than once, I considered throwing in the towel because coming up with “one more blog post this month” felt impossible.

But I’ve learned a few things over the years that have helped me power through the lulls and keep this blog chugging along. For one, it’s okay if not e

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