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Missing Out or Making Choices?

Missing Out or Making Choices?

Veröffentlicht am 25, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 3, Nov., 2024 Personal Development
time 4 min
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Missing Out or Making Choices?

Reflecting on opportunities, missed and made.

Most of us have had the experience of standing one day and wondering what life would be like if one take the other path when faced with a decision in the past. Those brief ‘what if’ scenarios that people get in their head what other realities might be possible. Having made my share of second-guessing choices, whether micro or macro, I’ve come to learn what a difference it can make to shift perspectives when it comes to opportunities taken or missed.

Some time ago, I was able to invest in a rather young company operating in the field of information technologies and focusing on the development of renewable energy technologies. 

They wanted to co-opt individual supporters as they worked through the design of their prototype. But as I stood right in front of an opportunity being a student and not really having much of an extra cash to spare, it was quite risky. To be truthful, while I fully

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