Where Do Good Writing Ideas Come From?
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Where Do Good Writing Ideas Come From?
Writer’s journey in the quest for ideas
For the record, I do get asked how I come up with my stories very often because that’s what writers are usually asked. It is quite funny though because most of the time I do not really have a backup line ready. As I say, it turns up in ideas on the spur of the moment, ideas just float into one’s mind as it were, although I do mine better than that!
One day I came back from grocery shopping and was driving home, listening to an interview of a guest who said something that made me see something entirely from a new perspective.
I don’t know of any other way to write than to think of a general idea and, by the time I was parked in my driveway, I already had the layout for a blog post in mind. Or he or she was just sitting and watching TV and suddenly saw a little story line element in one of the episodes that sparked an idea for a personal narrative.
I write mainly in the area of lifestyle, inclu
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