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Where Do Good Writing Ideas Come From?

Where Do Good Writing Ideas Come From?

Veröffentlicht am 27, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 27, Sept., 2024 Kurioses
time 2 min
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Where Do Good Writing Ideas Come From?

Writer’s journey in the quest for ideas

As someone who writes, I get asked all the time, “Where do you find your story ideas?” It’s quite amusing, as I never really possess a ready-made response. Ideas seem to come from all over the place — they just sort of swim into my head at the weirdest times!

The other day, I was driving home from getting groceries and listening to a podcast interview where the guest said something that sparked a whole new way of looking at an issue. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I had the framework for a blog post fully mapped out in my head. Or there was that other time I was watching TV and a little plot detail from the show gave me the idea for a personal essay.

Most of my writing covers lifestyle topics like food, travel, and personal development.

So staying tuned into my interests and conversations with friends usually provides a constant stream of what’s trending or issues people are facing.

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