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Discover Trieste: Three Must-See Landmarks

Discover Trieste: Three Must-See Landmarks

Veröffentlicht am 21, Juni, 2024 Aktualisiert am 21, Juni, 2024 Kultur
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Discover Trieste: Three Must-See Landmarks

San Giusto Castle San Giusto Castle, perched on a hill, is an iconic symbol of Trieste. Built between 1470 and 1471, it offers stunning views of the city, its gulf, and the Karst region. Initially a barracks, it now houses the Civic Museum of San Giusto Castle-Armory and the Lapidary Tergestino, showcasing historical weapons and Roman artifacts. The castle’s restored medieval appearance makes it a must-visit.

The Roman Theater of Trieste Built in the 1st-2nd centuries AD, the Roman Theater of Trieste is a remarkable remnant of ancient Tergeste. Situated at the base of San Giusto hill, it once held up to 6,000 spectators. Discovered and restored in the 1930s, it now features nearby antiquariums displaying Roman artifacts and remains of Republican walls, alongside the Arco di Riccardo, a Roman gate.

Piazza Unità d’Italia Piazza Unità d’Italia, or "Piazza Grande," is the vibrant heart of Trieste. Surrounded by elegant buildings and historic cafés, the square dates back to the 18th century and was expanded in the 19th century. Notable features include the City Hall with its bell tower statues and the Fountain of the Four Continents. The square, offering breathtaking sea views, is a hub for events and a beloved city landmark.

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