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Quick Fall of Light

Quick Fall of Light

Veröffentlicht am 19, Juni, 2022 Aktualisiert am 19, Juni, 2022 Kultur
time 1 min
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Quick Fall of Light

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Sherrida Woodley (USA)

About the author: Sherrida Woodley lives with her husband and four dogs on a few quiet acres not far from Turnbull Wildlife Refuge in Eastern Washington. She pursues writing from the perspective that nature provides unlimited inspiration, and that, combined with human mystique, creates story. The mother of three daughters, she dedicates this book in part and website to her youngest, Deanna, who recently passed away of breast cancer.

About the book:  Can A Shocking Resurrection From Extinction Save Mankind?

While the world succumbs to the horrors of a great flu epidemic, a woman vows to protect the perilous fate of a bird whose existence manipulates the destiny of man.  In this suspenseful tale, part Michael Crichton, part Rachel Carson, a global virus sets the tone, but it’s a one-pound bird that determines who lives. . . and who doesn’t. Science collides head-on with the untamed in this powerful novel of redemption.

“A wonderful reading experience... I think anyone who picks up this book will be changed by it.” Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D., Author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love

“Quick Fall of Light shares Rachel Carson’s fears for our planet and exhibits Woodley’s own “sense of wonder,” as well as her sure instincts for mystery and suspense.” Linda Lear, Author of Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature

“A prophetic mystery and an environmental thriller, Quick Fall of Light will keep you reading and wondering.” Brenda Peterson, Author of Animal Heart

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