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Losing My Identity

Losing My Identity

Veröffentlicht am 27, Juni, 2022 Aktualisiert am 27, Juni, 2022 Wohlbefinden
time 1 min
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Losing My Identity

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Maggie Matthews (United Kingdom)

About the author:  Maggie Matthews is an author who writes about overcoming trauma by changing your mindset to change your life.  She wrote Losing My Identity during the pandemic when Domestic Violence was on the rise. She was inspired to write this book to share, motivate and supports others who were going through similar situations.  To release the victim inside you to become a survivor of your circumstances and not let them control your life.  To be proud of how far you have come and to learn to love yourself again. 

Maggie is a mother of two children who showed bravery, courage and determination to get through this life changing and devastating experience. She is a qualified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Healer and Bereavement Counsellor. These therapies helped her and her children to live again and be free from the trauma. To deal with the nightmares ,anxiety, panic attacks and fear of loss.  As we all grieved with the loss of family and friends, and a dad that they would not have contact with again.  To leave the past behind and focus on the here, and that no-one should experience Domestic violence.

About the book: Living the perfect life on the outside with a successful business and lifestyle. We were the perfect family. Behind closed doors my husbands behaviour began to change to a Jekyll and Hyde personality. Lies and deceit. His mood swings became darker and darker. Overnight I discovered that he was on Heroin. I was devastated and naïve. My whole world had turned upside down. Which lead to abuse and violence towards myself and my son as I filed for a divorce.
One night of terror, a new level of rape and violence, took us to being held hostage in my home, which led to us going to a refuge for safety and protection. Leaving our home and our old life behind ,driving through the night in a police car to safety, never to return again. Rebuilding our lives in a new area with a new identity.

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