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Visions, Values, and Corporate Hypocrisy

Visions, Values, and Corporate Hypocrisy

Veröffentlicht am 18, Juni, 2022 Aktualisiert am 19, Juni, 2022 Unternehmertum
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Visions, Values, and Corporate Hypocrisy

The hijacking of corporate conscience

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Kendall E. Williams, Ph.D (USA)

Hypocrisy is rife in the corporate world, with disastrous consequences for businesses, employees, and consumers.

Dr. Kendall E. Williams argues that hypocrisy occurs when leaders fail to align their actions with company values, resulting in widespread disillusionment that taints the entire organization. He makes a bold and compelling case for authentic leadership as a legitimate and profitable business incentive, where values are ethically informed and pioneered by diligent leaders.

Now more than ever, companies have a duty, and an incentive to reverse the “profits before people” paradigm, focusing instead on a “people first” approach. Visions, Values, and Corporate Hypocrisy calls for greater transparency, accountability, and integrity within the business discourse, starting with leaders whose actions ultimately shape the culture and success of organizations.  


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