The Evolution of Blogging
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The Evolution of Blogging
My Perspective
Blog posts have come so far. I started blogging when I was in college. Then, it was just about spamming my thoughts wherever I could and having a couple of people care enough to read it. Very few of my acquaintances were at all blogging. It was so new! It does appear that the blog has become a phenomenon that is almost impossible to ignore at this point. Furthermore, it is funny to think that we all began this as lonely college students like myself typing away.
And I remember that earlier days seemed so directionless.
This wasn’t much of a form of structured elements back then; they’d only type whatever came into their minds and turn it into a blog. I’d talk about classes, family vacations, silly things friends pull off, and so on. That is why I felt like the best thing to do was to pour it all out online. Then I found out that some blogs have already done some news blogs, like journaling! That blew my mind.
At this ti
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