How I Learned to Listen
Auf Panodyssey kannst du bis zu 10 Veröffentlichungen im Monat lesen ohne dich anmelden zu müssen. Viel Spaß mit 9 articles beim Entdecken.
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How I Learned to Listen
My Journey From Passion Project to Trusted Community Resource.
Upon starting her blog, Matilda had doubts about which content her followers would prefer to read as her primary audience. As a beginner blogger, she strongly desired to engage readers about the themes that brought her deepest joy.
She understood through her research of popular blogs that entertaining material alone failed to create sustainable success.
Everyone viewing their social media feed requires useful content from her posts. The evenings when she talked with friends and family were dedicated to understanding what types of articles provided genuine help to people in their daily lives.
Matilda learned from her research that her neighbors strongly desired content about basic money-saving methods together with house organization and comfort-related advice. Matilda started creating uncomplicated daily advice that addressed the issues that affect everybody.
Photo by Anete Lūs
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