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Does Blogging Work?

Does Blogging Work?

Veröffentlicht am 11, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 21, Nov., 2024 Unternehmertum
time 2 min
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Does Blogging Work?

The surprising truth behind online success.

I find it very hard to believe that blogging interests many with its claims of freedom, rigidity, and possibility of recompense. It might be said that our modern dream of paying the rent with the help of our laptops drew its monstrous enchantment from this very postindustrial climate. However, as far as reality is concerned, experience often rises to a higher level and is more complex than the dream vision.

Being an observer of the many, many fledgling bloggers who have come before me, I have discovered there is more to being a blogger than a heart full of desire and a pencil. 

While many hit the jackpot, most underestimate just how much effort is required to build an enduring online commerce venture. It’s ready to chase can descent outliers, but the smarter game is appreciating the sweat of those who made it there one step at a time through endurance and laxity.

My thing is not to demoralize,

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