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5 Human-Centric Ways to Level Up Your Blog Game

5 Human-Centric Ways to Level Up Your Blog Game

Veröffentlicht am 22, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 20, Nov., 2024 Unternehmertum
time 2 min
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5 Human-Centric Ways to Level Up Your Blog Game

Cultivating community in trying times

Hey, come on, blogging is all about creating genuine connections with individuals, not bots or ego numbers. Below are the relationship-first strategies I have adopted to foster a normally barren online niche into a fertile community.

Write For Your Peeps

What do you remember about the specific humans who interest or motivate you? Ensure that the forum of the audience is channeled and their interests when you are sitting down to write. Treat every update on the wall as though it is a message to a buddy. Yes, search bots will find you – but don’t forget about the actual living, breathing human beings visiting your site.

Get Intimate With Analytics

Google Analytics is freaky, but it only analyzes data, it can’t look at the heart of it. I welcome engaging in discussions on social sites also. It is there that I acquired the peculiarities and suffering with people in my circle. I write this truth in ord

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