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“My Pandemic Story”: A Panodyssey x Worldcrunch Writing Contest

“My Pandemic Story”: A Panodyssey x Worldcrunch Writing Contest

Veröffentlicht am 27, Juni, 2022 Aktualisiert am 27, Juni, 2022 Gesundheit
time 1 min
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“My Pandemic Story”: A Panodyssey x Worldcrunch Writing Contest

Three years. That’s how long we’ve had to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, with all the hardships, strangeness and mourning this virus brought the world — and each one of us.

As a collective, still, this crisis has brought us closer together and made us realize the importance of human connections. Stories, whether of despair or resilience, paradoxically united us in an isolated, quarantined world.

These stories are worth telling. That’s why Panodyssey, the social media dedicated to creative writing, has decided to organize a writing contest on the theme “My Pandemic Story”; in collaboration with Worldcrunch, the most moving testimony will be published on our website, as part of our essay section.

Now’s the time to share your story with the Panodyssey community of creators and readers, with our audience, and with the world at large.

To participate in the contest, all you have to do is create a free account on Panodyssey and publish your story in a Creative Room, on the platform. Just remember to include the tag MyPandemicStory

Open to all creators over the age of 15 (or with parental consent sent to You may enter the contest alone or in collaboration with other writers, and submit as many stories as you like. The winner(s) will be contacted by the Panodyssey and Worldcrunch teams.

The content submitted must be original (text, image, audio if applicable) and be a first-person narrative of no longer than 600 words.

Entries can be submitted until September 30th, 2022, and winning stories will be published on in October.

Now let's get writing!

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