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The Evolution of Blogging

The Evolution of Blogging

Veröffentlicht am 27, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 27, Sept., 2024 Unternehmertum
time 1 min
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The Evolution of Blogging

My Perspective

Blogs have sure come a long way since I first started one back in college. Back then, it was mostly just about dumping my inner thoughts online for whoever cared to read them. Hardly anyone I knew was blogging. It was so new! These days, it seems like blogs are everywhere. Funny to think how it all started with lonely college kids like me typing away.

I remember the early days felt pretty aimless.

There wasn’t much structure to blogs yet, so they’d just ramble on about whatever was on your mind that day. I’d spill about classes, holidays with the family, dumb stuff my friends did. I found it therapeutic to just dump it all online. Then I noticed some blogs had started reporting news, like actual journalism! That blew my mind.

Around then, things started taking off. Sites like Blogger and WordPress made starting a blog so easy, so everybody jumped on. Comment sections blew up too since people could finally chat

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