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The CREA European Tour

The CREA European Tour

Veröffentlicht am 4, Nov., 2022 Aktualisiert am 4, Nov., 2022 Kultur
time 3 min


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The CREA European Tour

The power of writing and creativity? It is to be able to unite 5 different countries in a single project with the aim of promoting European culture and writings. A dynamic and boundless project to the point of capturing the attention of the European Commission and obtaining the support and the encouragement of the European Union. A constantly evolving collaboration with new activities, intentions, updates and associated partners.

The name of this dream come true? It's called CREA, Creative Room European Alliance.

CREA is a consortium that currently includes 15 members scattered across France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria, all in different fields such as media, culture, education and technology but united by creativity and the desire to emerge. CREA is magnetic! It continuously attracts the interest of new partners who can collaborate, create, evolve and revolutionize the European digital future.

CREA has perfectly demonstrated its potential by making a European presentation tour with three main dates in Madrid, Budapest and Venice. Three wonderful cities, rich in art and culture, which transmit their vitality in every molecule of the body, charging the batteries with creativity, positive energy and the desire to shine. CREA was also fascinated by the heritage of these large intercultural cities to the point of fervently launching its presentation and the unique qualities that characterize itself.

Although CREA was the undisputed star of all three events, honorable guests were present in the audience and on stage, attending and praising the work of CREA members and the revolutionary vision of this project that makes it unique. Just to name a few, in Madrid with great pleasure we listened to Lauriane Bertrand, member of EU Commission, María Azcona, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, in Venice Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Head of the Council of Europe Office, Roberto Bet, Regional Councilor and Lisa Marra, Linea Edizioni editor, and many others.

What made the events magical and unforgettable, however, were all those present who decided to celebrate together with the consortium, supporting the values ​​and ambitions for a joint European culture. A curious and participatory audience that welcomed CREA and its program with interest and enthusiasm. An international audience of writers, artists, photographers and journalists who ultimately decided to be part of the community and to bring out European potential and talents to the whole world.

What about the places that hosted the events? In a word? Majestic! Madrid welcomed us to the Cervantes Institute, the largest organization in the world responsible for promoting the study and the teaching of Spanish language and culture. In Venice, on the other hand, we had the press conference at the European Council office in San Marco Square. The international fame of the city and the political and cultural relevance of the European headquarters obviously need no further introduction, just know that the sun was shining as bright that day as our dream came true. Budapest hosted us at Margó Festival, one of the most significant literary forums in Hungary today. It brings together authors, writers, poets, and a broad variety of audiences, including CREA, which could not miss such an important event.

All CREA members have collaborated intensely for these and numerous other events, but a special applause certainly goes to the EFE Agencia which made the launch in Madrid a masterpiece, this was broadcast on social media and live TV, in Europe and America Latina. Venetian Cluster and Linea edizioni, it is said that the union is strength and their strength has been immense, with a prestigious audience and a welcome worthy of their name. Last but not least, Pro Progressione which triumphantly organized the launch of CREA in the enchanting city of Budapest. All this would not have been possible, however, in the absence of a united, capable and collaborative team that also includes the Business Support Center for SMEs, Cap Digital, Panodyssey, Voxeurop and Worldcrunch. The team grows regularly with new collaborators and participants and perhaps soon across all Europe.

What makes CREA so unique? The brilliant idea of creating a personal digital space with the ability to customize, interact and collaborate freely. A profile that can open as many rooms as your creativity and the will to share. Unlike other platforms and online searches, everything that a creator decides to publish has the possibility of inserting in specific rooms according to his preferences, whether by theme or date, relevance or profit. The creator can open all the rooms he wants, which are like folders, arranging his writings and allowing the reader not to get lost among the numerous articles, making browsing and searching easy. Furthermore, if a creator has a significant number of followers he can decide to earn with his original publications, monetizing with the rates that he decides in total transparency.

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Bernard verif

Bernard Ducosson vor 2 Jahren

CREA, première syllabe du début de la CREAtion, ouverte aux cultures et aux arts.
CREA, first syllable at the beginning of CREAtion, open to cultures and the arts.

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