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THE CUKOO CLOCK(no more circus : the Pandemics Narrative, Mafia Shadow, and Presidential Campaign)

THE CUKOO CLOCK(no more circus : the Pandemics Narrative, Mafia Shadow, and Presidential Campaign)

Published Jul 4, 2023 Updated Jul 4, 2023 Culture
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THE CUKOO CLOCK(no more circus : the Pandemics Narrative, Mafia Shadow, and Presidential Campaign)


- On this Independance Day, I would like to quote some parts of celebration words by MediaTouch (surely true Democracy lovers and investigation professional journalists) because no allegiance does exist for freedom and liberty : our commitment is to celebrate the founding of our nation, our recommitment ourselves towards more union. 

Okay. Good. 

Now let me insist that some nasty and insane discourses, actually dividing narratives especially for their toxicity or fakeness has to be banned today. Today, especially during the White House Race. But Feast matters, like birth or and Country in accordance with the political context. So, three remarks on that subject : GOP is without credibility with a shameful former President of America (United States), a stubborn strategy of denying (faults, treasons, disrespect for population.s) as well as asserting and assuming by the current President of a big country fake or lies (especially when

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