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Veröffentlicht am 21, Mai, 2024 Aktualisiert am 21, Mai, 2024 Kultur
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Like a very worrisome and even worrying moment on international stage, where every country can appear and sometimes both can emerge and disappear, the question is raised about which countries are true democracies. The ISRAEL CASE, a complete fabrication of course with an untold reason (why that attack and why suddenly ?), is like a key among others for one answer. I chose the great, big writer and honest man Salman Rushdie (photo : "French 28mn" TV magazine), first of all because he embodies the one whose courage - RESISTANCE - shows us how difficult it is to commit oneself - by writing - for TRUTH and JUSTICE (The Rule of Law vindication for human rights that is by equality whoever you are : man, woman, child, Black, and so on) ; secondly, this man - who has just released his Knife (so symbolic from many viewpoints : sacrifice and so on) - dares commit oneself against wind (source : "L'important", Twitter, May 20th) but a boring blowing one with its axis between good and bad regarding ISRAEL-HAMAS war; actually he stresses on the wick terrorist State (author of fatwa, in the name of Allah but within women get married by force and can be tortured, blowed in the street and so on until death), such an awful State which grabs any chance to occupy Gaza and Palestine (he does care about Palestinians, about any right) regarding a two State context it makes impossible anyway.

Concerning West Europe, especially FRANCE since that country agrees now with ICC for sentencing Hamas Head State as well as Israel Prime, France which was until now protected generally speaking from the rest of a warlike world in a closed Europe but with needs to satisfy from many ways, an old moral - Christian one with still some Jewish hatred - fabrics now an unaccountable politic (like sleeping into a bubble) and judges such a CASE - The Israel one - by its own : a good Left (synonymous with Palestine defense against Israel) and a bad Right whose antisemitism is only its mark as own one. So simple, so easy. Furthermore, France amnesia on its own past and Liberation deserves pretty mockeries and sometimes serious reproaches. Even Trump thinks (!) about GESTAPO - a standard ? ! - to discredit the honorable FBI (he could not fire any Director of the famous agency) whose integrity is one of its democratic values ; don't think Trump Defendant can be one and only one piece individual (so monkeism he is used to show both inside and outside courtroom).

Even the Jewish review Haaretz can be at fault within obviously an unbearable political situation, but it is not an excuse. However, some resist to simplification. The International CHESS is rightly studied. Haaretz NatSec+ (May 21th) reports a crippling cyberattack targetting Israel : at stake is India. A broad campaign means there are several front by which the country, the State, can be in danger ; an INVESTIGATION (and there is one in Israel, not only in America where there is an ONGOING INVESTIGATION from the start regarding what it is called "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy") reports that Israeli Surveillance Technology and Spyware have been sold to INDONESIA. Can Israel be thought like entrapped between a Far West (an American one, an old partner) and an East with Russia behind which seeks more allies. Another review - INSS Insight ("The Institute for National SEcurity Studies") - deals with many relations which lately seem to vanish : regarding both enemies (more declared now than yesterday, like Turkey which belongs to the East block) and allies (UK, despite many dark clouds about arms to send to Israel; US and treaties which maybe could be bilateral or if not could be a chance of unifying some Middle-East countries with others like Saudi Arabia.... and with in mind a progress on the Palestinian issue).

Anyway the international or even global political situation cannot be understood without The United States of America and TRUMP TRIALS; we only attend the first one with a witness who seemed strong but with another one who tends to contredict him, needless to talk about any intimidation and defamation for removing any embarrassing WITNESS. It happens as if a giant mess spreads each day more than former one with fearful political members : Politics Videochannel (Twitter, May 18th)  reports that Jack Smith is now planning to indict in July over 200 GOP members of Congress who assisted Trump in conspiring to overtunr the presidential election and overthrw the government. A G. Garland has to insist that DOJ does not scare of politics, and above all on the DUTY to silence INVESTIGATION (in the name of security) or to observe silence in the meaning of secret (probe).

For the moment, until now, some elements over the world are not revealed (Press - a free one - has lots to do) ; it does not mean they are ignored, they are just silenced. Those who play with images like crucified persons, martyrs or whatever stupid things you can guess instead of innocent ones who are daily tortured including in France, could certainly soon enter the LIGHT, and come into SPOTLIGHTS of Courts. Obstruction is just temporary, for one Trump as for one Assange (they know each other); time will come. Don't forget the BIG ISSUE of the so-called conspiracy as the first charge befor the former President trial : BIG LIE (could you even now imagine ?), BIG STEAL. What/who could you steal until going to a Martial Court ? What/who could you steal until gping to jail after an ordinary trial ? Answers : LIVES THIEVES, like NAMES or IDENTITIES and MURDERS to hide them by assassinations from many ways : a long long story some Nixon and Kennedy can be summed up, in America, as famous names.


To both my father and mother (each missing, each murdered) as well as to my family (partly murdered, partly alive like my son), to my countrymen and to my friends (no doubt).

TO/FOR RESISTANCE.                                                                                                                   NO MORE WAR PIGS 

God Bless America, Israel, UKraine.

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