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Unique hidden places in Belgium!

Unique hidden places in Belgium!

Veröffentlicht am 6, Juli, 2020 Aktualisiert am 6, Juli, 2020 Reisen
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Unique hidden places in Belgium!

Belgium is a beautiful country with a lot to offer! You can find everything from beautiful green fields to stunning architecture. Most of you will maybe know the touristic attractions of Belgium such as the Grand Place in Brussels or the Atonium. Maybe you are even familiar with the little canals of Brugge and the city known for its diamonds, Antwerp. In this article I want to take you to the little unique places in Belgium that you probably don't know yet. Let's discover them together!

La Charmille - La Reid

Let's start in a little town deep in the Ardennes called La Reid. This town is surrounded by beautiful nature as far as the eye can reach. It has one of the most beautiful walks along the Ninglinspo river. The river is perfect for a swim and to enjoy the natural slides. Alongside the river are a lot of places to relax or do a little pick nick. Although the Ninglinspo is gaining in popularity, the Charmille isn't (yet). The Charmille is a beautiful natural construction made out of 47000 hornbeam plants that are over 100 years old. It creates the longest plant tunnel in Europe and is around 573 meters long. Read more about places in the charming town of La Reid.

The IPM power plant - Charleroi

Charleroi's cooling tower is an abandoned building where your footsteps echo against the enormous walls and where snapping your fingers makes the strangest sounds. This impressive building was Charleroi's main source of energy, but a study in 2006 showed that the tower alone accounted for 10% of Belgium's total CO2 emissions. After long protests by Greenpeace in the same year, the cooling tower had to close.

Today you can visit the cooling tower while doing some urban exploring in the region of Charleroi as the site is easy to access. Read more about amazing buildings and underground parties in Charleroi.

Castle Modave

Castle Modave is located in the valley of Hoyoux, netween Liege and Namur. The castle was built in the 17th century on a 60-meter-high rock with an enchanting view over the 450 hectares of nature. A lovely walk around the valley of Modave is the "little Modave". At the reception, you will be given a map with the hiking trail or you can follow the red squares that are marked throughout the trail. The hike takes about 7,5 km until you return to the castle.

Did you know Belgium has over 3000 castles? Read more about the 10 most impressive countryside castles in Belgium!

The Sahara of Lommel

The Sahara of Lommel is also called the mini desert of Belgium! Enjoy the hectares of sand in this natural reserve. The park is a beautiful place of nature that includes lakes, forests and a desert. The best part? You can hire a hammock at the entrance of the natural park to hang in the trees. A nice day assured! Read more about unexpected places in Belgium.

I am looking forward to discovering even more hidden gems in Belgium. Do you know more hidden spots in Belgium that are worth sharing? Feel free to add them in the comments! 

Keep on dreaming and Fly Along!♥

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